
photograph-26a.jpgRyan George has developed a unique approach to Personal Training. This approach has been honed over almost 20 years of professional experience. Ryan doesn’t simply work people out but instead tries to understand who he is working with, what their goals are and why they have decided to begin a fitness training program. This approach has been successful in that he is able to assist clients in attaining their goals while producing a lifestyle change which incorporates good fitness.

There are three aspects (Physical, intellectual and emotional) of a person’s fitness which all need to be fully developed in order to have a successful fitness program. The first deals with the body while the second and third deal with the mind. The physical part deals with a person’s physical condition and capabilities. The intellectual part deals with the practical parts of training and the emotional part deals with how a person feels about training as well as the reasons behind wanting to train. Unlike other trainers, Ryan George focuses not only on the physical but equally the mental aspects of fitness. This focus creates the framework for a successful fitness program.

When working with a client, Ryan tries to adapt fitness as a lifestyle while concurrently focusing on the clients’ goals. By making realistic changes to a person’s diet and exercise routine, he is able to create new and positive habits. He also sets regular goals and objectives for the client to meet as a way to measure progress and to motivate.

Training sessions with Ryan are specifically designed for each individual client. Whether it’s a fully equipped gym or in home personal training, Ryan does his best to make his sessions interesting, creative and varied.

Ryan George follows the 6 principles to creating a better lifestyle or “C.R.E.A.T.E.”




Assess/ reassess



Far too often, fitness is looked at as a way to achieve a goal and not the goal itself. This is shortsighted and often results in the client not sustaining results. In Ryan’s words, “Success is not simply defined by how many pounds are lost or how much weight can be lifted but also that good health and fitness becomes a part of everyday life.”

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